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Trial ‘clockwise route’ aims to ease traffic congestion in North Clare

17 July 2024

A new initiative aimed at alleviating traffic congestion on the R477 coastal road in the Burren is being introduced as part of a traffic management strategy for North Clare.

Trial ‘clockwise route’ aims to ease traffic congestion in North Clare

Coach operators and camper van users are being encouraged to use a clockwise traffic system operating from south to north between Ballinalacken Junction and Ballyvaughan on a trial basis for the remainder of the 2024 season.

The multi-agency initiative is being led by Clare County Council and supported by Fáilte Ireland, Cliffs of Moher Experience, the Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark and the North Clare Communities Group (NCCG).

Clare County Council has established a team of six Tourism Traffic Ambassadors operating seven days a week to direct visitor traffic at appointed locations across North Clare, as well as to engage with visitors to the Burren about local attractions, the culture and history of the area, and other points of interest.

Meanwhile, the Local Authority has installed relevant signage and traffic calming measures at key locations throughout North Clare to improve overall traffic flow.  This has involved actively engaging with local community groups.  It has also involved putting in place drive on left signage at key tourist locations as well as road markings and plans to improve pedestrian facilities by the provision of additional footpaths. Seasonal overflow car parks have been provided at key locations and safety improvement schemes have been identified at suitable locations.

Working on a cross-directorate basis, Alan Farrell, Jason Murphy and John O’Malley, Directors of Service for Physical Development, North Clare and Tourism Development in Clare County Council stated, “This clockwise route, which has evolved from an extensive consultation process involving Elected Members, the local community, businesses and other key stakeholders, will help to improve traffic flow across the Burren and it will play a crucial role in enhancing visitor experiences and promoting all local destinations and attractions, including those located along the R480.”

“The tourism economy is essential to the Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark and it is important that we continue to extend a warm welcome to visitors while, at the same time, introduce measures that minimise the impact of increased traffic volumes on local communities and the environment,” they added.

Miriam Kennedy, Head of Wild Atlantic Way (Fáilte Ireland) commented, “Fáilte Ireland is pleased to support this trial aimed at improving traffic flow and enhancing the visitor experience in North Clare. The clockwise route trial is a significant step towards reducing congestion on the R477 coastal road, ensuring that visitors can enjoy the stunning landscapes in the area with greater ease. This initiative not only benefits tourists by providing a smoother travel experience but also supports the local community by minimising traffic disruptions and promoting sustainable tourism practices. By working collaboratively with Clare County Council, local communities and other stakeholders, we are committed to preserving the natural beauty of the area while fostering economic growth and enriching the cultural heritage that makes the Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark a unique destination."

Tom Barrett, Chairman of the North Clare Communities Group (NCCG) said, “The introduction of a Clockwise Travel System for Tourist Coaches and Camper Vans  is an important first step in improving the overall travel and traffic management situation throughout North Clare for the local communities and visitors as well as other steps, now under preparation, improving conditions for improving public transport services; parking and active travel, including pedestrians, schoolchildren and cyclists by reducing road congestion and traffic risk for the local communities as well as visitors.”

“NCCG encourages all local communities, local and tourism businesses as well as visitors to collaborate with Clare County Council in improving traffic management and safety in North Clare as it is key to ensuring the sustainability of North Clare communities. NCCG will continue to update and consult local communities on the results achieved from the implementation over the next 2 years of the Traffic Management Plan,” added Barrett.

Clare County Council confirmed it has commenced engagement in relation to the clockwise route with tour operators, representative bodies and establishments in North Clare that accept group business.

Page last reviewed: 17/07/24

Content managed by: West Clare Municipal District

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